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  • Maserati History: Founded in 1914, Italy, Alfieri Maserati has been proving itself through sports cars. Even though their designs are always one step ahead of the other automotive companies, they focus on the use of human resources and the working environment. 
  • In 1997, Maserati joined together with ferrari in an acquisition. Maserati has expanded itself from being just a local company, to a widespread expansion in over 61 countries.
  • Maserati’s designs began out looking more like sports cars, however, slowly they became more known for the use of their public cars than for racing.
  • Their designs were always one step ahead of what was the style of cars at the time. Their logo is a trident design.
("Company." Maserati. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014.)


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“Maserati,” European Auto Industry, accessed May 18, 2024,

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